Well not much to say man! This is kick ass! The piano crys, the beats are phat! What more could i say! This is the shit off the ass!
Keep it Viewtiful.
Well not much to say man! This is kick ass! The piano crys, the beats are phat! What more could i say! This is the shit off the ass!
Keep it Viewtiful.
Nuff said!
This wasn't done by you...it was done by Alien-A! This is great a track! One thing that could of been fixed was the bells reverb. You could of toned the reverb down just a bit, but this song other then that its just purely magnificent! 5 out of 5!
Keep it Viewtiful!
Im not sure at which bells your refering to because i didnt use any bells lol but since i like adding reverb to everything im going to relate that to the entire track. Yea even i sometimes can hear my songs with too much reverb, im a reverbholic lol. I have to learn to tone it down a bit with that. And btw, funny you called me Alien-A, because my full alias is Allen aka LeN, but i never really use LeN because if you say it L-e-N, it sounds like your saying alien, and i didnt want that to happen. But you know what its ok, you can keep calling me that. Thanks for listening!
This is tight!
If it were faster and had drums, this would sound SO tight man! This sounds like older heavy metal! Thats still fuckin A! I love it man!
Keep it Viewtiful!
Kickass reveiw man! Thanks a bunch, I'm working on getting drums for stuff, I might head down to a buddy's house, his dad has a proffesional quality recording studio, and the guy plays drums too! If so , I'll see what I can do about re-recording some of my old stuff! Peace!
Always & 4ever!
Magnificent track! Very well put! The build up was great! The 8bit bass and everything was awesome! I loved this whole song! I can't even get enough of your music!
Keep it Viewtiful!
thanks a lot for the review!
oh cool...
This is different! It has its ambient elements. The sea wind sound is cool! The shakers gave a better living-ness feel. That whale like sound was very great! Overall A!
Keep it Viewtiful.
Do you even take your time in doing these things?
Keep it Viewtiful!
Find them on: vgmusic.com MIDI by Icy guy and Robin Beanland.
Time taking: I have nothing better to do! So I do try to perfect it. all 10'ns so it can't be that bad!
Keep it up!
I never heard this before fuckin weird to!
Keep it Viewtiful!
Never played Donkey Kong 64? Bad luck! All 10ns again! Yeah!
Keep it up!
this si fuckin weird but COOL!
Keep it Viewtiful!
Never doing disney again...EVER!
Keep it up!
MASTER WATER?! This is cool as hell!
Keep it Viewtiful
It was ment to be like a battle cry in matial art movies, *Wataa!* *Hiyoo!* *Hadoken!* e.t.c.
Keep it up!
This sounds almost like the original, but this is tighht!
Keep it Viewtiful!
Glad I got it so close to the origional!
Keep it up!
Hello about you!
Joined on 4/10/06