ownage! A little off note, still mad awesome!
Keep it Viewtiful!
ownage! A little off note, still mad awesome!
Keep it Viewtiful!
thnx.! man LOLLLLLLLLL
i dont nkow hwy im so slow at responding on ur messeges XDD.
-- DarkMcShadowX --
Done well, awesome, great, overall neat as hell!
I was lookinf for more of a hardcore tunage! This is compressed real good though! The gated synth in the backgrond was pretty neat. The extra sound effects pretty mad! =D Overall cooL!
Keep it Viewtiful!
im glad ya liked it V man =]
Groovy tune!
The drums and the Sounds effects mad cool! The quality didn't sound to bad even thouh you used low bit rate! The compression was done well! The extra FX's were hot! The meloday did need a bit of tuning though! overall cool!
Keep it Viewtiful
yes i must work on my melodys ..
anyway im glad u did like it mate
and thanks for good score
cyu around ;)
UBBER neatness! The slayer is mad! The synth that plaed in the background owned! The drums, you got real detailed with em! Overall cool!
Keep it Viewtiful!
Thanks man! Thanks for reviewing all of my songs! Thanks for being a true friend! I am glad we are friends!
Its a little weak!
I was lookinf for more of a hardcore tunage! This is compressed real good though! The gated synth in the backgrond was pretty neat. The extra sound effects pretty mad! =D Overall cooL!
Keep it Viewtiful!
I kinda made it a little more dancey then hardcore this time. Theres always undead rave 3 tho ;)
wow is right...
I'd give you a more constructive review, but im to lazy right! XC Its just mad awesome!
Keep it Viewtiful!
These dumb weeds downrated it!
This is rly a masterful peice if you give it some time to listen! Its not all aggressional and shit! This just straight from scratch work! Its REAL detailed if its listened well!
Keep it Viewtiful!
I don't think I could've put it better myself. I'm glad that some people can actually take the time to actually listen to it and judge it without jealousy or all of the other negative attitudes that certain people have. I prefer to try to be a bit creative with everything, which is why most of what I make is hard to put into just one category. I like a lot of different styles, and that's just the kind of person I am...thanks again for another review ^_^
Well more craZzay!
That arpy thing like...stood a little far out from the song, but i can see what you were aiming for! The flute thingy was like pretty cool! The drums stood out great though! overall awesome!
Keep it Viewtiful!
thanks fer the viewtiful review dude
Keep it Viewtiful!
Its a little dry...=\
The song really needs something to make it flow! The atmosphere is a little dry! The piano is ok, but a little to loud! it really needs something to lead it...like a leading synth! Its ok dude, but definitely not your best! You can do better! =D
Keep it Viewtiful!
Hello about you!
Joined on 4/10/06